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Macmillan Coffee morning

We held a coffee morning for the parents outsdie and the children baked flapjacks and donated to Macmillan to support this fantastic charity, raising £300!

St George's making flapjacks

Harvest assembly

The children raised £382 and split the proceeds between school and a project we are working on with our Catholic cluster of schools, the Emmaus Partnership.  We will be supporting the International Tree Foundation which helps local communities to build secure livelihoods and improve their local environment through sustainable tree planting programmes.  The project will reach out to thousands of young people in Uganda.

harvest 1(1)

Advent Food Bank Collection

This year during the Advent, the Chaplaincy team organised a collection of food stuff to give something back to our local community.  They managed to collect 75kg of goods for the Salisbury Food Bank.

cafod advent

Christmas jumper day in aid of EdUKaid

The children wore Christmas jumpers whilst raising money for EdUKaid.  They managed to raise enough to buy chalk and paper for Namgogoli school for 6 months.

"I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and all at Wardour for the support you have given to EdUKaid and Namgogoli this year.  Your most recent donation will pay for all the chalk and paper that Namgogoli need for the next 6 months at least – thank you so much."

Book Day - Cafod DEC Ukraine appeal

This year on Book Day, the children dressed up and asked to donate to the Ukraine Cafod DEC appeal.  They raised just over £206.  Cecil also raised a further £64 by setting up a stall outside his home and selling items to passers by.

St Patrick Class WBD 2022

Chaplaincy Bake sale for Namgogoli

Chaplaincy team

The Bake Sale raised £34.44 for Namgogoli school in Tanzania. Thank you to all of Chaplaincy team for their organisation and baking skills, and all who bought a muffin.

Non-uniform day for the International Tree project

School Council organised a non-uniform day to support the Emmaus Partnership International Tree Project in the last week of term.  Children were invited to dress with an international theme.

Breast Cancer awareness


The children wore pink to raise awareness of breast cancer during breast cancer awareness month.

Non-uniform day in aid of the RSPCA

School Council organised a non-uniform day in aid of their chosen charity the RSPCA and raised over £100.

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