Early Help Offer
Early Help Offer
Providing early help to our children and families at Wardour Catholic Primary School means we can be more effective in preventing problems from affecting a child’s ability to thrive and be successful. Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to Year 6. At Wardour, we understand that family life can sometimes be difficult and complicated. From time to time there may be situations where you need extra help and support. To support and advise you at such times we have an Early Help Offer. Please see the information and links below for details of the range of ways in which we can assist or help you to find the support that you need.
- Class Teacher - The class teacher is the first point of contact for any issues. Parents/carers are encouraged to liaise with their child’s teacher so they are aware of any concerns that arise. Teachers are responsible for the well-being of all the children in their class and liaising with other staff within the school as required, ensuring that the appropriate support is in place as soon as a need is identified. If the teacher feels further intervention is required they will then liaise with the SENDCO, Mrs Allen.
- Meeting with the SENDCO - If either parent or teacher feels that support from an outside agency is required, an assessment or a referral, parents are invited to discuss concerns with the SENDCO. During the meeting we can establish what is working well and what the concerns are. Advice and signposting to other agencies is offered at these meetings along with support with any referrals.
- Specialist Education Services - Wiltshire Local Authority support schools with consultations for advice when children present with SEMH, Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Physical and Sensory issues and Behavioural issues. These are at varying levels and work alongside the graduated approach of Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle.
- Pupil Voice – if your child has any worries encourage them to talk to their class teacher or teaching assistant. They may get them to speak to our ELSA (Emotional Learning Support Assistant – Miss Pearson).
- Early Support Assessment (ESA) - an ESA involves listening to you to find out what help you need and talking about what is working well in your life. There are times when children and their families may need support from a wide range of local agencies. Where a child and family would benefit from support with more than one agency (e.g. education, health, housing, police) an Early Support Assessment will be offered to agree and coordinate that support. Based on what you say and what help you would like; a plan is formulated so that professionals can work together to make sure you get the right sort of help. Mrs Dixon (Headteacher)/Mrs Allen (SENDCO) meet with parents/carers to carry out an ESA.
- Support to complete forms and other paperwork such as: admissions to Secondary school and Free School Meal applications.
- Attendance - The Headteacher also liaises with the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) on issues relating to attendance and punctuality. When a child’s attendance or punctuality becomes a concern, the first contact will usually be the Headteacher.
Parents are requested to let us know if their child is in school, by email (admin@wardour.wilts.sch.uk) or telephone. Mrs Robson will ring individual families if a child is not at school by the end of registration.