Safeguarding Information
Safeguarding our pupils is paramount at Wardour Catholic Primary School.
What is safeguarding?
Members of staff, parents/carers and visitors who come on to our school premises have a duty of care towards the welfare and safety of the children who attend our school. This is called Safeguarding.
Every child can potentially be hurt, put at risk from harm or abused regardless of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity or disability.
Safeguarding means that:
◦Children are protected from mistreatment
◦A child’s health or development is protected
◦Children grow up with safe and effective care
◦Action is taken to ensure the best outcomes for all children
We rigorously uphold our policies on Safer Recruitment and Safeguarding and Child Protection in order to protect pupils at all times when they are at school. Through our RHSE curriculum, we provide pupils with knowledge, skills and strategies to keep themselves safe when away from the school environment.
Safeguarding is the action we take to promote the welfare of children in our care and to protect them from harm.
If you have any worries about child welfare or concerns regarding pupils, our designated safeguarding staff are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Emma Dixon - Head Teacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs Sophie Hyslop
Mrs Amy Allen
Our Safeguarding Governor is:
Mr James Greig (
If you have concerns about a child you can ring IFD (MASH): 0300 456 0108