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               Wardour Catholic Primary School

Home School Agreement

Our responsibilities as a school

We believe that you are the foremost educators of your children and that we are called upon to support you in that God-given task.

We will do our best to provide your child with an education that develops their individual talents, supports their needs, values their uniqueness and equips them for a role in the community.

We will:

  • Provide a friendly welcome and a secure and stimulating environment in which to learn.
  • Ensure that your child is treated with dignity and respect
  • Lead your child by example, by demonstrating our faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ in the way we live, teach and worship.
  • Provide the best possible education, with enthusiastic teaching rooted in our beliefs, values and skills, ensuring that your child makes progress in spiritual, moral, personal and academic progress.
  • Challenge your child to aim high and pursue excellence in all they do.
  • Provide you with information about your child’s progress, both through written reports and opportunities to talk to the teachers.
  • Set , mark and monitor home work, appropriate for your child.
  • Inform you of any concerns regarding your child’s progress, behaviour or health and contact you if there are any worries regarding punctuality and attendance.


Head Teacher ________________________ Chair of Governors ____________________


Teacher  ____________________________



Parental Responsibilities

We acknowledge that, as parents, we are the foremost educators of our children and that we have a major role to play in supporting our children’s learning at school.

Therefore, we will:

  • Ensure that our child attends school regularly, arrives on time and is suitably equipped.
  • Inform the school of any concerns or problems that might affect our child’s work and behaviour.
  • Support the Mission Statement and Christian values of the school.
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour.
  • Give our child opportunities to learn at home and support homework sent from school.
  • Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about our child.
  • Encourage our child to be enthusiastic about learning and to enjoy all aspects of school.
  • Talk to our child about school experiences and encourage them to do their best.
  • Support the school, its staff and governors, and the wider Catholic community.


Signed        __________________________________ (parent/guardian)


Pupil responsibilities.

God has made me a special person and given me many gifts and talents.

I understand that I have the responsibility to make myself the best that I can be and to use all my gifts wisely.

Therefore I will try to:

  • Keep myself neat and tidy.
  • Make sure I have with me all the things I need every day.
  • Complete my homework and give it in on time.
  • Take care of the things our school provides for me to use, and do my part to keep it tidy and clear of litter
  • Think for myself, be honest and take responsibility for my actions.
  • Always do my best to
    • Achieve my learning and personal targets.
    • Treat everyone with consideration and respect.
    • Help to make the school safe and happy for me and everyone else.
    • Keep the school rules.


Signed             __________________________________________ 


___________________________________________   (name of pupil)





















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